31 Funniest Signs of This Year


Signs can be practical, informative, or downright hilarious.

This year, we’ve seen some of the funniest and most unexpected ones yet.

1. Beware of the Dog

WhattheDuck9 / via Reddit.com

2. How many eggings must have happened over there?

Shock1964 / via Reddit.com

3. Can I choose who to throw it at? Because that’s a game changer

Melodic_Abalone_2820 / Via reddit.com

4. Would you trespass here?

Nar3ik36 / via Reddit.com

5. Which would you use?

EndersGame_Reviewer via Reddit.com

6. I think you’re supposed to stop here

Primex76 / via Reddit.com

7. How many times has this happened?

Foukar / via Reddit.com

8. Accurate…

Dreamy_teen / via Reddit.com

9. What a great deal!

MySucculentDied / via Reddit.com

10. “Good info. Saved me from a terrible mistake.”

Queasy-Position66 / Reddit.com

11. I’m Going To hang this in my honse

SchizoidPerson_ / via Reddit.com

12. Moo

seasonalb**ch / via Reddit.com

13. Who licks grass? Dogs, but dogs can’t read…

UnstableIsotopeU-234 / via Reddit.com

14. I will be fighting even if it’s just with my bear hands.

It probably will be unbearable though.

SameConstruction2 / via Reddit.com

15. Should I slip the money in their.. uniform?

JaneCutesy / via Reddit.com

16. “This mildly threatening sign in a supermarket”

Conveniently next to flowers that can be placed on your tombstone.

Leather_Car_2014 / via Reddit.com

17. “It only improves tolerance”

Lazy_Exyo / via Reddit.com

18. “Let Me Translate That For You”

CamronT01 / via Reddit.com

19. Swedish fish?

Sweet_Seraph / via Reddit.com

Surströmming, Sweden’s infamous fermented herring, is so pungent that it’s often opened underwater to reduce its overpowering smell, a mix of rotten eggs and vinegar.

20. “Man this beer is making me feel like a child again”

taylor_h796 / via Reddit.com

21. Couldn’t you have given me a heads-up a bit sooner?

TeachMeImWilling69 / via Reddit.com


SweetEloise1 / via Reddit.com

23. I’ll do my best to avoid having one.

Vegetable_Brick8938 / via Reddit.com

24. I wonder what their menu looks like.

_KinkyAmanda_ / via Reddit.com

25. Now the name fits perfectly

spicyladyhere / via Reddit.com

26. “Why no pie?”

Emma_Wonderful / via Reddit.com

27. Special of the Week: “I don’t know, what are you having?”

Ellyluvxo / via Reddit.com

28. “those hamburgers i threw in is gonna take a while.”

TokenTigerMD / via Reddit.com

29. “how many miles per gallon?”

ellyrosexoxo / via Reddit.com

30. Best way to say clean up after yourselves

aquosbun / via Reddit.com

31. Why is it hanging so low if it isn’t a urinal 

UserLevelOver9000 / via Reddit.com

Whether intentional or accidental, these signs prove that humor is all around us, even in the most unexpected places.

Share your favorites with friends and keep an eye out for more laughs in the wild!
