I believed this LIE about Jesus for Years

As Christians, many of us have at some point made grand promises to God. We say, “God, I’m going to evangelize everyone I meet. I’ll read my Bible daily, obey my parents, never rebel, and always strive to do what’s …

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8 Retirement Scams That Everyone Should Avoid

Retirement is often referred to as the “golden years,” a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of decades of hard work. Unfortunately, scammers see retirees as prime targets, often preying on their savings, trust, and desire for security. To …

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This Man Retired Early With Absolutely No Savings

Retiring early without earning a high income, inheriting wealth, or being exceptionally lucky might sound improbable. But this is exactly what one young man achieved. Despite making only about $300 monthly from YouTube and having less than $10,000 saved, he …

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